Tuesday 29 September 2009

Therapy For Therapy

I wrote this poem in may 2008 after someone who is very dear to me needed therapy for mental health issues, the therapy seemed to lead to all other areas that this person never realised that they had problems in !! After the initial shock and devastation and alot of empathy, i being my usual self laughed and said that i could feel a poem coming on. The person in question is aware of my poem and is infact very honoured that i have helped add a bit of humour to the situation that they found themselves in. It is in no way meant to be disrespectful to anyone with or dealing with mental health issues it is simply a case of 'if i don't laugh i will cry anyway'.

I went to have some therapy to release a bit of stress, but something must have gone wrong cos my heads in quite a mess.
I'm more stressed and worried than i ever was before, i can't turn out the light at night cos i see shadows at the door.
I don't seem to get on with anyone, i'm meant to be alone, i'm so paranoid right now i've made a fortress of my home.
I don't see an end to this, i don't know when i'm going to get better? I'm going to see another psychiatrist, i've just received his letter.
I have to open up my mind challenge my thoughts and conquer all my fears, but when i start to talk about my problems i end up in floods of tears.
So now i need MORE therapy for the therapy, cos i've opened up a box of fireworks thats ready to explode, i need to shift the burden i need to share the load.
I cannnot cope when i try to unravel the inner circles of coils mixed up within my head, i count to ten take a tablet and rush myself to bed.
Dear God help me as i only asked for peace within my soul, my life as spiralled out, i'm beyond my depth i'm sinking in a hole.
My 'friends' have gone and left me for pastures green and new, i'm running out of steam, what more if anything can i do?
Now i need more therapy for the therapy i've already had, i never realised before therapy that i was totally bloody mad.
Maybe its the therapy thats set me off this way, the only sure thing right now is that the shrink is going to stay.
He'll hang around for years to come stroke his cheek and nod his head, i often wonder if he's interested in anything that i've said.
What if i crack up and get sectioned on a ward they'll throw away the key, i used to be quite normal until the therapy got me.
A warning in life to people who are stressed, slowdown in life, hang back, or you could end up in therapy seeing quack after quack after quack.

written by janine lightning may 2008

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