Tuesday 29 September 2009

To Be Someones Beautiful

I wrote this poem for an exam in braille in april 2003 i found that working with people who were blind very inspiring and quite surprised at the level of indepence that they had. It also gave me an insite into their daily struggles and i have the upmost respect for people living with disabilites especially in the 'got to be perfect society'of today. I tried to imagine what beautiful could mean to someone if they had no visual concept of the meaning, just feelings and emotions. I hope you appreciate it as i wrote it with some very special people in mind, who will stay in my thoughts forever

To be someones beautiful, the apple of their eye.
The reason for them living, their angel in the sky.

To be someones beautiful is an honour and a pleasure.
The shining star that lights their way, their rainbow full of treasure.

To be someones beautiful is to feel it in your heart.
The beauty can grow day by day , or it can be there right from the start.

To be someones beautiful is the best thing you could be.
I hope i'm someones beautiful ,so that they can feel like me.

To be someones beautiful is to share the feelings and dreams which you have.
We all feel beautiful at some point, when we become a mum or a dad.
Or maybe just a friend on which we can rely, to share our woes or reduce our fears or for comfort when we cry.

To be someones beautiful is to be regarded in the highest degree.
To have respect and understanding of someone else, it makes you feel free.
Free of spirit, free of hate, free and full of love.
So if you're lucky enough to be someones beautiful,-then you,ve been blessed from up above.

written by janine lightning april 2003

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